Sherwood helps bring water to Uganda
Sherwood Food Distributors helps bring positive change by teaming up with Drop In The Bucket.
In a small village in the Northern Region of Uganda, hundreds are enjoying fresh clean water thanks to the international program “Drop in the Bucket” which Sherwood Food Distributors along with Insight2Profit have partnered to bring positive change to East Africa through water and education.
Since 2006, Drop has worked with hundreds of villages in East Africa drill wells, construct sanitation facilities and introduce social programs. Because education is one of the most effect ways of moving people out of poverty, Drop works to provide schools and communities with tools they need to improve child health, and increase school enrollment rates. School enrollment often doubles or triples after a water well has been built at a school or village.
Drop in the Bucket’s goal is to impact 1 million people………..
Along with Insight2Profict we are proud to be part of “Drop in the Bucket”.